


School document management. Digitalization. Accessibility.


In this study, we explore school document management in the context of Itacoatiara-AM, with a focus on digitizing and making documents available. Through questionnaires applied to documentation professionals in municipal schools, we identified a positive reception to the transition from physical to digital format, due to the perceived benefits, such as the reduction in physical space. The main challenges highlighted include speeding up data maintenance and protecting student information. The pressing needs include speeding up document search and retrieval, along with improving document organization and storage. To address these issues, it is essential to consider how document management can improve interaction between the school, students and parents. In addition, the transition to a digital system requires meticulous planning, taking into account the challenges identified and ensuring information security. The study emphasizes the relevance of digitizing and making documents available in municipal schools in Itacoatiara-AM, offering crucial guidelines for effective strategies that meet the real needs of the educational community. Based on the results obtained in two municipal schools, Maria Nira and Jamel Amed, the study outlines a way to modernize document management, with the aim of optimizing efficiency and transparency in educational processes. This study sheds light on the potential of technology in transforming school document management, with the aim of improving the experience of all those involved.


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Author Biographies

João Mateus Barbosa Pinheiro

Academic of the Computer Science Course at the University of the State of Amazonas - UEA, in the
Higher Education Center of Itacoatiara-AM – CESIT/UEA

Luiz Sergio de Oliveira Barbosa

Master in Emerging Technologies in Education from MUST University, Florida, USA. Professor at
University of the State of Amazonas (UEA)

Christiano Gomes Castro

Academic of the Computer Science Course at the University of the State of Amazonas - UEA, in the
Higher Education Center of Itacoatiara-AM – CESIT/UEA

Keila Ramos da Silva

Academic of the Computer Science Course at the University of the State of Amazonas - UEA, in the
Higher Education Center of Itacoatiara-AM – CESIT/UEA


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How to Cite

Barbosa Pinheiro, J. M., de Oliveira Barbosa, L. S., Gomes Castro, C., & Ramos da Silva, K. (2023). FROM PHYSICAL TO DIGITAL: RETHINKING DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT IN MUNICIPAL SCHOOLS OF ITACOATIARA - AM . RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(9), e494045.