Ex-sistence. Anguish. Facticity. Freedom. Death.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the importance of Existentialist Philosophy, since human existence has become a philosophical question and it is from the experiences, the choices that subjects make throughout their lives, that the human essence is constructed. Given the developments in the restlessness of BEING, in understanding the existential dimensions of life, due to anguish, despair, absurdity, facticity, authenticity, freedom and death, we focus on understanding these dilemmas as necessary for existential evolution. Furthermore, we will address the role of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Existential Philosophy approaches. The social relevance of this work is justified by the fact that we are experiencing a global reality marked by the dilemmas of ex-sistence, which has affected a large part of the population, especially young people, who seek to find the meaning of life, carrying the weight of the present existence in dilemmas experienced, with the need to project oneself into the future, in the search for meaning and dimension. On the other hand, exploratory bibliographic research was used, using scientific articles, journal annals, journalistic information and other legal documents that could support the studies. In short, the analyzes discussed highlight an urgent need to understand ex-sistence, as a phenomenological and empirical process, as the basis of the existentialist proposal is to analyze the human being as a whole and not divided into internal aspects (his mind, cognition and feelings) and external (your body, behavior and actions).
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