


Professional Education, Eletrotechnical, Eletronic, Educational Evasion


In the context of Technical Professional Education of Foundation of support to the Technical School of Rio de Janeiro – Faetec, research in which technical unity, in which series and which course the rate of evasion is more frequent brought as result of the qualitative analysis, perceptions and expectations of the interviewed about the endurance of the duality propaedeutic/professional education, the multifactorial and and the high rate of educational evasion and retention, mostly in the early series. As result of the quantitative investigation, the collected data pointed to alarming rate of the technical unities and, again, at the early series of all courses and unities researched. In the State Technical School Ferreira Viana, the electronic course showed the highest rate of evasion at the researched period. At the State Technical School João Luiz do Nascimento the Electrotechnical course the highest rate occurred of evasion. The State Technical School Visconde de Mauá showed a certain equilibrium between the rates of evasion and the course of electronical showed the highest rates, this unity also presented the highest evasions rates for the early series. The collect and analysis of information, in the qualitative approach, was accomplished through interview semi-structured with use of content analysis technic of Laurence Bardin. In the quantitative analysis, the materials were collected of the educational secretariat of the technical unities selected for the search and analyzed through the use of statistic as the results, lately, projected to all the Faetec network.


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Author Biographies

Margareth Nunes Silva

Margareth Nunes Silva - PhD in Education Sciences from UCP-PYG and professor of the technical course in electrotechnics at ETE Ferreira Viana - Faetec. Email: Lattes-- Orcid--

Maria Aparecida Monteiro da Silva

Maria Aparecida Monteiro da Silva – PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Santiaga de Compostela. Lattes-- Orcid--


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How to Cite

Nunes Silva, M., & Monteiro da Silva , M. A. (2023). EDUCATIONAL EVASION AND RETENTION IN THE TECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF FAETEC. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(12), e4124717.