
  • Flavio Maldonado Bentes



Global warming, Climate changes, Heat waves


Global warming is a reality, because of the increase in global average temperature in recent decades. According to Pereira et al (2019), the harmful effects of environmental degradation generated by human beings and the intensification of the global warming phenomenon have been worrying and motivating various segments of society in the search for more knowledge. In addition to this, we have devastating effects caused by heat waves that have drastically changed the routine of people around the world. According to Mandú et al (2021), heat waves have been more recurrent against a backdrop of global warming. It is to be expected that these phenomena cause profound impacts on exposed workers, especially in regions where outdoor activities are carried out. It can be said that these two phenomena, when active, can be potentially more harmful in areas where there are large numbers of workers. The article seeks, in a way, to bring a more in-depth approach to the question of how to prevent yourself in the face of such scenarios. It is hoped that this work can contribute to a better understanding of the nexus of these phenomena regarding the impact on workers' lives.


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Author Biography

Flavio Maldonado Bentes

Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo, de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - Fundacentro.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Bentes, F. (2024). GLOBAL WARMING, CLIMATE CHANGE, HEAT WAVES AND THEIR IMPACTS ON WORKERS’ LIVES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF PREVENTION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(2), e524775.