


Organizational Health. Oral Health. Leadership. Spirituality. ESG.


The present study aims to correlate aspects of health and well-being with a focus on oral pathologies as a factor of extreme relevance for productive and leadership capacity in the organizational environment, aiming to collaborate with criteria established by ESG guidelines for the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Considering that a healthy organizational culture with a positive impact on its stakeholders prevents losses, and that companies are responsible for people, therefore physical, mental, spiritual and social health and well-being are the main driving factors for a constancy in productivity. The presence of some of the oral pathologies reported in this study may serve as a warning sign for the presence of disorders related to anxiety, depression and stress. In addition, considering that diseases of the mouth can be visible through oral self-examination, there is a simple and low-cost alternative to be applied as a routine to aid in the diagnosis of oral lesions and to contribute as an alert for systemic diseases. The attention to oral diseases in the organizational environment can serve as a regulatory instrument for the analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of ESG guidelines in the various corporate segments. Therefore, the reduction of prevalence rates of these injuries in the organizational environment may be a factor contributing to the progress of companies in achieving the SDGs. 


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Author Biographies

Fernando Leocadio Pianaro

Florida Christian University.

Tatiana Andrea Soares Pinto

Consultora/Palestrante/Mentor SAÚDE e NEUROCIÊNCIA Aplicada aos Negócios. DOUTOR em Estomatologia PUCRS/MESTRE em Patologia Bucal UFRGS. MBA em Neuromarketing e Consumer Insights HSM University.


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How to Cite

Pianaro, F. L., & Soares Pinto, T. A. (2024). PRODUCTIVITY WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH: HEALTH, LEADERSHIP AND SPIRITUALITY IN THE ESG CONTEXT. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(3), e534968.