
  • Gerson Moura Chitula
  • Adalberto Falso Armindo
  • Nhelete Cherinda
  • Lelia Roberto Ussene



Green areas; mapping; floods


This study's main objective was to map green areas and the susceptibility to flooding of these areas within the city of Beira. And to carry out this study, the cartographic method was used, worked in the ArcGIS 10.5 and Google Earth environment and a bibliographic review in which the land use and occupation map was made using the vegetation index (NDVI) in order to map the places where vegetation occurs and the green areas and then the flood susceptibility map of these same areas was created using the AHP method. it is concluded that the city of Beira has an intense urbanization, a large part of the area that could be vegetated is waterproofed due to the presence of infrastructure constructions and paving, making the city more vulnerable to environmental problems and in response to this, valuation is necessary and maintenance of urban green areas. A large part of the green areas mapped in the city of Beira are totally susceptible to flooding factors and with the growing increase in the urban population in the city of Beira, it largely leads to the disorderly occupation of urban land and consequently the lack of monitoring in the implementation and maintenance of base infrastructure


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Author Biographies

Gerson Moura Chitula

Universidade Aberta ISCED.

Adalberto Falso Armindo

Universidade Aberta ISCED.

Nhelete Cherinda

Universidade Aberta ISCED.

Lelia Roberto Ussene

Universidade Aberta ISCED.


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How to Cite

Chitula, G. M., Armindo, A. F., Cherinda, N., & Ussene, L. R. (2024). MAPPING THE OCCURRENCE OF GREEN AREAS AS INDICATORS OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY IN THE CITY OF BEIRA-MOZAMBIQUE. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(3), e535059.