


Targeted therapies. Biomarkers. Breast cancer. Breast cancer treatment. Evaluation of biomarkers.


Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among women worldwide, representing a significant public health challenge. One of the main advances in breast cancer therapy has been the development of target therapies, which aim to target specific components of tumor cells responsible for cancer growth and spread.  Objective: This article aims to carry out a literature review of the latest advances in target therapies and biomarkers in breast cancer. Methods: A systematic search of the scientific literature was carried out using databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Original studies and reviews published between 2009 and 2024, in English, Portuguese or Spanish, related to target therapies, biomarkers and breast cancer were included. Results and Discussion: The analysis of the studies revealed significant advances in target therapies, such as trastuzumab and CDK4/6 inhibitors, as well as the importance of biomarkers, such as Ki-67 and hormone receptors, in predicting response to treatment. The positive economic impact of target therapies and biomarkers in reducing long-term healthcare costs was also highlighted. Conclusion: Targeted therapies and biomarkers represent fundamental advances in the treatment of breast cancer, offering a more personalized, effective and economical approach. The contribution of these strategies to clinical practice and decision-making underscores the continued importance of research and application of scientific advances in oncology.


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Author Biographies

Isadora Maria Zaccara Cunha Araújo

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Lana Régia Matias Soares

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Railene Alves de Oliveira

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Gabriela Maria Rivalta Matias

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Lucas Pereira de Carvalho

Acadêmico de Medicina.

Eise Souza do Vale

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Dayane Portuguêz de Souza

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Chrisley Batista Ramos dos Santos

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Lara Miranda Baptista Vilhegas

Acadêmica de Medicina.

Diego Moreira Bento

Acadêmica de Medicina.


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How to Cite

Zaccara Cunha Araújo, I. M., Matias Soares , L. R., Alves de Oliveira , R., Rivalta Matias, G. M., Pereira de Carvalho , L., Souza do Vale, E., … Moreira Bento, D. (2024). TARGET THERAPIES AND BIOMARKERS IN BREAST CANCER: A LITERATURE REVIEW. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(5), e555293.