
  • Newton Silva Duarte




FPGA, SOFT CORE, Programmable Electronics, Sustainability, Gyroscope


This article presents the evolutionary potential of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) in transforming the development and updating of electronic equipment. It focuses on the implementation of a Soft Core, which is an adaptable and configurable processing core via software, enhancing system processing and flexibility. The aim is to explore the practical applicability of this technology by demonstrating the development of a system based on XILINX's Spartan 7 FPGA. The methodology involved using the VIVADO suite to configure programmable logic blocks, implementing a Soft Core, and utilizing XILINX's VITIS IDE, where firmware was developed in C. The main results achieved were the initial integration of a temperature sensor, followed by the activation of a gyroscope sensor. The results were validated using DIGILENT's Analog Discovery 2 logic analyzer. The article concludes that adopting this technology can eliminate the need for physical revisions of electronic boards when adding new functionalities, resulting in significant savings in time, cost, and resources. An approach was proposed that not only increases the flexibility and adaptability of electronic equipment but also extends its lifespan and aligns product design with specific customer needs. This approach represents a substantial advancement in creating sustainable electronic solutions that are more energy-efficient, flexible, and effective.


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Author Biography

Newton Silva Duarte



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How to Cite

Silva Duarte, N. (2024). FLEXIBILITY IN ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS: DYNAMIC IMPLEMENTATION OF FUNCTIONALITIES IN PROGRAMMABLE ELECTRONICS DEVICES. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e585643. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i8.5643