


Physiotrerapy, Covid-19, Treatment, and ICU


INTRODUCTION: The new Corona virus, also called Severe Acute Respiratory Failure Syndrome (SARS), can be defined as respiratory infections that can worsen in the winter period, making it common in adults and children. Its symptoms range from high fever, cough or sore throat (Myalgia, Headache or Arthralgia). Its evolution to the syndrome occurs when the patient has more severe symptoms (dyspnea, respiratory distress, respiratory failure, oxygen saturation less than 95% and exacerbation of preexisting disease). OBJECTIVE: To analyze the perception of post covid-19 patients at the ICU in NANUQUE-MG regarding physical therapy treatment. METHODOLOGY: This is an exploratory descriptive study of the quantitative type carried out in 24 patients aged between 28 and 75 years, who were admitted to the ICU in NANUQUE-MG with a clinical picture of COVID-19. An evaluative questionnaire with 10 questions about the patients' recovery through physical therapy treatment was applied. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: With the questionnaire, patients answered important questions about the disease. The answers were analyzed through graphs with a necessary percentage, where it was verified that most patients reported improvement through physical therapy. CONCLUSION: it is concluded that patients reported a perception of physical therapy treatment being primordial, due to the sequelae they suffered with COVID-19. Where 90% of interviewed patients reported that physical therapy was essential in post COVID-19 treatment. Where it provided the individual's return to the labor market, also reporting a good performance in AVD'S (Daily Life Activity).



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Author Biography

Patricia Brandão Amorim

Doctor in Public Health from the American University - Paraguay. Master's in Environment
and Sustainability and graduation in Physiotherapy from Centro Universidade de
Caratinga (2001); Specialization in Health Self-Management from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
and Physiotherapy applied to Women's Health from Universidade Gama Filho. She is
currently coordinator of the Physiotherapy Course at the University Center of Caratinga,
at the Nanuque/MG Unit, and full professor in other courses in the health area.
He has experience in the field of Physiotherapy, with an emphasis on Physiotherapy
in Dermato-Functional and Urogynecology.


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How to Cite

Santos Nascimento, V., & Brandão Amorim, P. (2021). PERCEPTION OF POST COVID-19 PATIENTS ATTENDED AT THE NANUQUE MG ICU REGARDING PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT: A CASE STUDY. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(9), e29704.