A ORGANIZAÇÃO - A Odebrecht e o esquema de corrupção que chocou o mundo






The organization - Odebrecht and the corruption scheme that shocked the world, the work of the journalist and writer Malu
Gaspar, is a work of art, it was a gift that the journalist gave to the people of Brazil this year of 2020, which all
in Brazilians we should have an obligation to read. I have no doubt that it will be a reading adopted in several bachelor's
and undergraduate courses in the coming years. In 639 pages and three years of research and a lot of work, Malu Gaspar
exposes the viscera of the Brazilian political system and most of the countries of Latin America and Africa and
like politicians, many heads of state and Brazilian businessmen raided and betrayed the people of Brazil in recent decades.
A relationship between businessmen, public agents and politicians, “almost” of an organized gang, equipped to steal
the public coffers of the Union. A system never seen in the history of mankind.


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Author Biography

Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição Ph.D, UNG; CFE - U.C Portugal

Economista pela PUC- Campinas. MBA de Marketing - ESAMC, Sorocaba. Mestrado em Administração pela UNG - Guarulhos. Mestrado em Sociologia pela PUC - São Paulo. Doutorado em Sociologia pela PUC - São Paulo. Doutorado em Administração pela FCU - USA. Pós Doutor Unicamp - Campinas. Pós Doutor FCU - USA. Pós Doutor UC- Portugal. Jornalista e Escritor. Avaliador do MEC/INEP. Pró Reitor da Universidade de Guarulhos, SP. Editor-chefe da RECIMA21 – REVISTA CIENTÍFICA MULTIDISCIPLINAR.



How to Cite

Magera Conceição Ph.D, P. D. M. . (2021). A ORGANIZAÇÃO - A Odebrecht e o esquema de corrupção que chocou o mundo: RESENHA. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(1), 348–356. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v2i1.76



