


Patient Navigation, Nursing, Oncology


The idea of navigation came from a study at Harlem Hospital Center in the United States of America by Dr. Harold Freeman. Nurse navigators should be trained to anticipate and understand the impact cancer diagnosis has on patients and their families, drive their needs and reduce barriers to access to oncology care. Objective: To know through scientific productions about nurses working in oncology with the role of a patient navigator, Nurse Navigator. Method: Literature literature review with searches in Latin American and Caribbean literature databases in health sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature, Analysis, and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Results: The role of the navigator nurse is centered on minimizing barriers to access to the health system, prevent the patient from taking the care he needs. They are empowered to anticipate and understand the impact that cancer diagnosis has on patients and their families. Conclusion: This study revealed some relevant aspects about the role of the navigator nurse in welcoming the cancer patient. These professionals considerably improved the patient's view of their treatment. Patients feel more protected, more involved, and empowered with their treatment, therefore better prepared for the future by acquiring knowledge about how cancer affects their lives.


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Author Biographies

Maria Eduarda Regis Ferreira de Lima

Instituto Pernambucano de Ensino Superior (IPESU)

Carla Tatiane da Silva Santos

Instituto Pernanbucano de Ensino Superior (IPESU)

Ana Sofia Lopes dos Santos

Instituto Pernanbucano de Ensino Superior (IPESU)

Raqueli Rodrigues Leite

Instituto Pernambucano de Ensino Superior (IPESU)

Emília Cristina dos Santos

Instituto Pernambucano de Ensino Superior (IPESU)

Matheus Gabriel da Silva Cavalcanti Viturino

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Cibele Lopes de Santana Ramalho

Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra e Faculdade Católica Imaculada Conceição do Recife - FICR

Filipe Almeida de Santana

Hospital Otávio de Freitas - SES/PE

Priscila Diniz de Carvalho Martins

Prefeitura do Recife

Giselda Bezerra Correia Neves

Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra


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How to Cite

Lima, M. E. R. F. de ., Santos , C. T. da S. ., Santos, A. S. L. dos ., Leite, R. . R. ., Santos , E. C. dos, Viturino , M. G. da S. C. ., … Neves, G. B. C. . (2021). ROLE OF THE NAVIGATOR NURSE IN WELCOMING THE CANCER PATIENT. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210815.