


catheter, Nursing care, Urinary Infection


Urinary tract infection (UTI) is characterized by the presence of microorganisms in the urine. The most common pathogens are bacteria. Its main risk factor is the performance of the Indwelling Vesical Catheterization (CVD). The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific evidence about the role of nurses in the control of microorganisms that cause urinary tract infections (UTI) related to the use of catheters. The integrative review research method was used, in which 6 scientific articles made available in full, in the last 5 years, selected from the Virtual Health Library (VHL), composed the analyzed sample. The results showed in all publications that UTIs are caused by indwelling catheters because they are used incorrectly. Therefore, nursing is crucial in the prevention and control of UTI-CA, with the involvement of the entire team always aiming at patient safety. it is concluded that nursing is extremely necessary in the implementation of care for the prevention of UTI, playing an important leadership role, for better promotion of care for these patients.


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Author Biographies

Cristiane dos Santos Silva

Cristiane dos Santos Silva, majoring in Nursing at Centro Universitario Santo Agostinho. works as a merchant. His favorite place is the forest, where he writes his theses.

Nelson Jorge Carvalho Batista, UNIFSA

Graduate in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Specialist in Environmental Education at the Faculty of Higher Education of Piauí, Master in Genetics and Toxicology Applied by the Lutheran University of Brazil - ULBRA / RS, PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied to Health By ULBRA / RS. Teacher of the Faculdade Santo Agostinho. Member of the editorial team of the Revista Saúde em foco of the Faculdade Santo Agostinho and of the Colombian Acta Biológica. He works in the Specialization courses in Toxicological Genetics, Clinical and Functional Nutrition, Cell and Molecular Biology, Environmental Education, Public Health and Environmental Management. Has experience in the Area of ​​Toxicological Genetics, involving genotoxic and mutagenic evaluation of different organisms; Genetics, Histology, Biochemistry, General Chemistry, Physiology, Human Anatomy, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, Ecology, Evolution, Botany, with emphasis on Plant Anatomy, working mainly on the following topics: Floristics, Taxonomy, Morphology , Plant Anatomy, Environmental Education, Ecology, Tropical Floriculture, Cerrado and Caatinga Biomes, and transitions. Joined the Regional Council of Biology - CRBIO / 5th Region. Environmental Technical Consultant of IBAMA. Member of the Laboratory of Genetic Toxicity - TOXIGEN / RS and the Laboratory of Research in Toxicological Genetics - LABTOX / FSA.

Patricia Pereira de Sousa, UNIFSA

Patricia Pereira de Sousa, graduanda em enfermagem no Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho. Atua como microempreendedora autonoma.

Acadêmica do curso de Bacharelado em Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho – UNIFSA. 


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How to Cite

Silva, C. dos S. ., Batista, N. J. C. ., & Sousa, P. P. de . (2021). NURSE’S PERFORMANCE IN THE CONTROL OF MICROORGANISMS CAUSING URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTI) RELATED TO CATHETER USE. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210849.