


Water deficit and surplus, rainfall and thermal fluctuations.


The annual water balance was carried out using the methodology of Thornthwaite et al., (1955) in order to verify the contribution of water storage and impoundment in São Bento do Una in including the water crisis. Monthly rainfall data were grouped into 98 years, individualizing a climatological period, the software was used in electronic spreadsheets, to extract the values ​​of monthly averages, annual rainfall between the years 1920 to 2018. Temperatures were estimated by the methods of straight line of multiple regressions using geographic coordinates. Climatic impacts have caused changes in the region's water balance in the last decade. Environmental degradation, the local effect of human action, has in itself accelerated the process of changing the regional climate, thus directly affecting the conditions of the rainfall regime and the availability of water in the soil. It is extremely necessary to use rainwater collection and other storage sources for human, animal and plant survival, thus contributing to the agricultural and poultry sector in the region in minimizing the water crisis. The climatic impacts may cause changes in the water balance in the region since heavy and high intensity rains are expected, resulting in a drop in poultry and agricultural production.


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Author Biographies

Raimundo Mainar de Medeiros

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG

Wagner Rodolfo de Araújo

Universidade Estácio de Sá, Brasil - Graduando em Geografia Instituição: Universidade Estácio de Sá – Polo Recife

Moacyr Cunha Filho

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernaumbuco - UFRPE

Romildo Morant de Holanda

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernaumbuco - UFRPE

Luciano Marcelo Falle Saboya

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG

Manoel Vieira de França

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernaumbuco - UFRPE

João Carlos Montenegro Coutinho Junior

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernaumbuco - UFRPE


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How to Cite

Mainar de Medeiros, R., Rodolfo de Araújo, W., Cunha Filho, M., Morant de Holanda, R., Marcelo Falle Saboya, L., Vieira de França, M., & Carlos Montenegro Coutinho Junior, J. . (2021). ANNUAL WATER BALANCE RELATED TO WATER CRISIS IN POULTRY IN SÃO BENTO DO UNA - PE, BRAZIL. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(11), e211873.