




The new type of coronavírus can cause many complications, and all of the body systems can be affected. Knowing that on some cases this will be permanent, the Unified Health System (SUS – Sistema Único de Saúde, in portuguese) will need to adapt to pay a better assistence. Objective: Identify the most possibles complications from COVID-19 and identify the futures challenges that SUS will  get. Methods: Literature review was made on the databases PUBMED and SciELO. Results: 22 papers were found, but only five of them was in the inclusion criteria. Discussion: The vulnerability of the health care, on acute and chronic desease, incrised during the pademic, and know about the follow up will be needed to infected due to the complications maked necessery defending SUS from and the creation of new and better health care strategies. Conclusion: The complications of the new type of coronavírus are many and can affect all of the human body systems, and seen this the SUS will need to adapt to a better and more specific type of care.


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Author Biographies

Phelipe Muniz Furtado

Discente - Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá

Lays Barros Braga Davoli

Discente do Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá

Paola Marini Valério

Docente do Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá

Paulo Eduardo Gomes Ferreira

Docente do Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá

Adriana da Costa Gonçalves

Docente do Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá


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How to Cite

Furtado, P. M., Davoli, L. B. B., Valério, P. M., Ferreira, P. E. G. ., & Gonçalves, A. da C. (2021). POST COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE SUS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210885.