
  • Fabiano Santoni Uniara – Universidade de Araraquara
  • André Vicente Ricco Lucato



Competitiveness. Work environment. Production Processes. Collaborative Robotics. Safety and Prevention.


Collaborative robots are machines that allow automation of productive activities. Its main purpose is to share the work area with man, requiring low technical expertise and less training load to the operator, combined with preventive and safety aspects in order to avoid any kind of accident as much as possible. The system by which these robots are developed, allows the stop or gradual reduction of speed of the machine after detecting an obstacle in its route at a certain distance, thus preventing a possible collision with the user. Cobots, as collaborative robots are known, are also characterized by being flexible and simple in their handling, allowing a teach-in system (learning mode) through manual indications associated with additional steering and functionality. The present study is mainly justified by the fact that collaborative robots offer several benefits in activities considered exhaustive and repetitive, also offering safety and agility in environments that may offer risks to the health of individuals, focusing on increasing quality and efficiency in production processes. Collaborative robots as work tools can add competitive advantages to organizations that choose to use them. The general objective of this study was to raise the characteristics of collaborative robotics and the advantages provided in its adoption in the production process. This research is based on a literature review to achieve the results and conclusions of the proposed objective.


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How to Cite

Santoni, F., & Lucato, A. V. R. (2021). COLLABORATIVE ROBOTICS: THE USE OF ROBOTS IN PRODUCTION PROCESSES. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 1(1), e210914.



