
  • Ana Rita Soares Ribeiro
  • Ana Lívia Castelo Branco de Oliveira



Diabetes is an important public health problem,


Diabetes is an important public health problem, due to its high prevalence and morbidity and mortality, in addition to the risk of developing disabling chronic complications. Regarding its chronic complications, the diabetic foot is the most frequent cause of complications, with a high rate of amputation, prolonged hospital stay and high hospital cost in our country. Integrative and complementary practices (PIC) have emerged as forms of treatment for various health problems. They are important allies to the conventional treatment of several chronic conditions, helping to give professionals a broader view of the health and disease process. The objective is to highlight the integrative nursing care practices aimed at the diabetic foot in primary care, present in the literature. The integrative research method was used, in which 10 scientific articles made available in full, in the last 5 years, selected from the Virtual Health Library (VHL), composed the analyzed sample. The results showed that PICs are important for promoting holistic and humanized care, in addition to their low implementation cost. It is concluded that nurses are the main professionals to employ PICs and educational activities, but better working conditions are needed for this class to continue to promote quality health.






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Author Biographies

Ana Rita Soares Ribeiro

Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho (UNIFSA)

Ana Lívia Castelo Branco de Oliveira

Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho (UNIFSA)


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How to Cite

Soares Ribeiro, A. R., & Castelo Branco de Oliveira , A. L. (2021). NURSING CARE IN INTEGRATIVE PRACTICES AIMED AT DIABETIC FOOT: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(11), e211917.