Governance Policy

RECIMA21 Governance Policy Editorial Team The editorial team is made up of the chief editors who are responsible for the administrative management of the journal, whose responsibility is recorded in the regulation published on this website, which was approved by the editorial and scientific council. editorial board The Editorial Board is made up of researchers, professors, teaching and academic managers, from different national and international institutions, with representation in the scientific community. The board does not necessarily act collectively and there is no provision for periodic meetings, with specific guidelines, nor is there any formal link between the members of the board and the legal entity responsible for publishing the magazine. Members are responsible for giving their opinion on issues involving the improvement of editorial policies, appointing reviewers, disclosing the magazine, thinking about action and innovation strategies in the academic and professional environment, and dealing with ethical issues when triggered. The Editorial Board does not interfere in the editorial process, however, it can be called by the scientific board for deliberations that involve strategic and / or operational issues. It acts to maintain the scientificity, rigor and reliability necessary to underpin the credibility of the journal.

The Scientific Council is made up of members from the scientific context, representatives of the areas in which this journal has influence, who come from Brazil and abroad. Many members of this board are already on the editorial board. His objective is to foster the scientificity, rigor and reliability of the editorial process, a fact that, consequently, guarantees the credibility of publications. The board must also be committed to ethics and to the criteria for indexing on renowned bases. Its members act individually and, if necessary, collectively for the purpose of reflecting on editorial policies and procedures. The Scientific Council directs the committee and can request individual or collective contributions, by calling a meeting. They will also be able to request a meeting to address issues involving the structure and development of this journal. He is responsible for editing the magazine, in technical and scientific terms and has a support team, for administrative routine issues that involve the editorial process, which, in this journal, is performed by electronic system, a fact that makes the process impersonal and transparent as stated in the publishing process provided by the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. The Scientific Council coordinates the actions of the Scientific Committee and works in conjunction with the editorial board, for the purpose of reflecting on the strategic issues of this journal.


Board - Reviewers / reviewers The ad hoc Council of Referees is responsible for evaluating the quality of the articles within the guidelines of the magazine, duly agreed between the editors and other councils, always following the ethical and moral standards of transparency. RECIMA21, has scientific arbitration, whose objective is to guarantee ethical standards. We seek the agreement of those involved in the editorial process, which are the Editors, Editorial Board, Ad hoc Evaluators and Authors in relation to good practices and ethical behavior. Our reference is the Committee on Publication Ethics Code of Conduct and Standards of Good Practice for Journal Editors that require to: • Inform the Editors of their availability to evaluate an article • Decline an invitation whenever you do not feel qualified to carry out the evaluation according to the topic addressed; the identification of aspects that lead to recognizing authorship; and / or if there is a conflict of interest • Treat manuscripts as confidential documents, protecting intellectual property and authors' rights, maintaining information confidentiality and committing themselves not to use privileged information for their own benefit, including in their research and / or publications • Prepare the opinion based on good editorial practices with regard to ethics, impersonality and respect for human rights • Inform the Editors of any identification of violation of good practices, rights on the part of the authors and / or practices of plagiarism

Copyright Statement Definitions; a) “WORK” - means literary material of intellectual authorship of the respective authors, such as article / review / TCC / translations / images / video / interviews / others, whose marketing rights (availability of access and consultation), belong to the AUTHOR, as well as as any and all updates or new editions of existing works. b) “DIGITAL CONTENT” - means the set of all WORKS, made available by the author and co-authors to the RECIMA21 Magazine, in a format accessible for reading by electronic means, which can be accessed through a digital platform or other available technology, and which will be made available by the AUTHOR to RECIMA21 Magazine. The author declares that he is the sole and exclusive holder of the patrimonial rights of the works that integrate all the digital content made available in the RECIMA21 Magazine, having the marketing rights, temporary access permission, reproduction (total or partial) of the whole or parts, for purposes publication, permission to access and / or share as digital content, similar or similar, in EPUB3, PDF or any other technologically possible format, for access by third parties for any purpose with specific purposes. He declares that in relation to the contents he respected and observed all patrimonial copyrights, under the terms of Law 9.610 / 98.

Repository - The author has the autonomy to make his article /copy available in any repository in PDF format with the LOGO of RECIMA21, example: to place his article that was published in ResearchGate, among other repositories. 

When submitting Digital Content The AUTHOR also grants the RECIMA21 Magazine an exclusive license to: The sending of any DIGITAL CONTENT automatically implies the full assignment of copyright to the RECIMA21 Magazine, being able to publish, display, give temporary access to third parties and distribute the contents in any and all territories in which the RECIMA21 Magazine exercises activities, as well as marketing (availability of access and consultation), belong to the website of the magazine RECIMA21, (location of the platform for publication / dissemination of access to articles). RECIMA21 will have the freedom / right to index the journal on any indexing platform or directory, national or international, without having to communicate or consult its writers. The set of all WORKS (articles, reviews, TCCs, translations, images, videos, interviews and others), in physical or digital format, were legally provided by the writers when submitting their work on the RECIMA21 Magazine platform. The contract for the assignment, edition or any other legally valid form of the works submitted here, took place at the time of registration and submission of the article by the author or authors, accepting the copyright conditions set out by Revista RECIMA21, which meets the national and international standards for the dissemination of digital content.