Scientific Scholarship Program - Recima21 Journal

The Recima21 Journal, dedicated to advancing scientific research, launches its scholarship program. This program seeks to recognize and reward mentors for their vital contribution in guiding and submitting scientific articles, encouraging academic excellence and effective collaboration among mentors, researchers, and students.

Eligibility and Criteria:

  1. Eligible Participants: Mentors validly registered with the Recima21 Journal.
  2. Article Submission: Articles must be submitted by researchers and students through the normal process. Researchers, students, or mentors participate in the program by filling out a specific Google Forms form, available  CLICK HERE. In this form, the title of the article, the authors, and the full name of the mentor along with an email will be indicated. More than one mentor cannot be listed.
  3. Number of Articles: Eligibility for the scholarship requires the mentor to be associated with at least thirty scientific articles approved and published during the year.
  4. Submission Period: Eligible articles must be submitted between January 1st and November 30th of the current year.
  5. Annual Validity of Articles: Articles are valid only for the year of submission. There will be no carryover of any remaining articles.

Submission and Verification Process:

  1. Submission Form: Submission of articles by researchers and students, indicating the mentor's participation through a Google Forms form on the Recima21 Journal website.
  2. Verification: Counting and verification of articles carried out by the journal's team in December.


  1. Scholarship Amount: R$1,000.00 (one thousand reais) for each set of thirty scientific articles submitted and approved associated with a single mentor. Any remaining articles that do not reach the set of thirty are disregarded.
  2. Payment: Made in December after the final verification.

Final Provisions:

  • The Recima21 Journal may modify the terms of the program.
  • The decision of the judging committee is final.
  • Questions or disputes directed to the editorial team of the Recima21 Journal.
  • Results Announcement: Publication of the names of the awarded mentors on the website and social media of the journal for public recognition.
  • Workshop or Webinar: Organization of an online event to share best practices and experiences of the awarded mentors, fostering knowledge exchange.

This program is a significant initiative to value the role of mentors in scientific research, promoting quality and innovation in the academic field.

Chief Editors