


Accessibility; Deficiency; Locomotion.


The research has as its theme to analyze about accessibility for pedestrians and people with disabilities in the area around the Arena da Amazônia stadium. The general objective of the research is to present the conditions of sidewalks used by pedestrians and disabled people in the area around the Arena da Amazônia stadium, in addition to analyzing the physical aspects of sidewalks, highlighting the conditions of movement of pedestrians and PNE's (People with Special Needs) and PRM (People with Mobility Restriction) in that area and to make a comparison between the provision established by law on the accessibility of PNE's and PRM. The research has as problematic: The surroundings of the Arena da Amazônia was designed aiming at the accessibility of people with disabilities, as well as in its internal area that followed the parameters established in the Accessibility Project in Stadiums? Not only the streets where the various types of vehicles travel, but also the sidewalks must have good conditions of movement of pedestrians who have their members without any limitation, but that mainly favorthose who have any type of disability. For this, sidewalks must be designed and built without any form of impediment, barrier or hole that impair soevering free access.


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Author Biographies

Abdon dos Santos Bezerra Júnior

Universidade Paulista- UNIP

Alain Gutemberg Caiado da Silva

Universidade Paulista- UNIP

Matheus Oliveira dos Santos

Universidade Paulista- UNIP

Luciana da Silva Reis

Professora Orientadora do curso de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Paulista - UNIP


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How to Cite

Santos Bezerra Júnior, A. dos, Gutemberg Caiado da Silva, A. ., Oliveira dos Santos, M. ., & Silva Reis, L. da. (2022). ANALYSIS OF ACCESSIBILITY FOR PEDESTRIANS AND DISABILITIES IN THE AREA AROUND THE AMAZON ARENA STADIUM. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122308.