


Radiativity, Carbonatite, Longonjo


The measurements of gamma spectrometric radioactivity in the carbonatite of Longonjo were carried out on foot and aimed to obtain the concentration levels of the radioelements of K, eU and eTh, from outcrops and soils in the study area. Subsequently, were generated the maps of K (%), eTh (ppm), eU (ppm) and the terrain elevation model, which made it possible to understand the behavior and directions of mobility of radio elements. The 40K concentrations reached a maximum value of 12.40%, an average of 3.27% and a high dispersion coefficient (Cd = 76.69%). For the eU (ppm) the values ​​range from 34.12 ppm to 88.31 ppm, with an average of 18.48 ppm, six times higher than the average abundance of the earth's crust, which ranges from 2 to 3 ppm. The distribution is irregular, with the dispersion coefficient (Cd = 96.35%). eTh is the most abundant radioelement in the carbonatite of Longonjo its maximum value is 4170.00 ppm, the average is 626.37ppm it presents very high values ​​in relation to the abundance of thorium in the Earth's crust, which varies between 8 ppm and 12 pmm shows a very irregular distribution (Cd = 122.41ppm). For the calculated values ​​of the annual radiation dose (DAR) the range variety from 327.91 to 72145.84 µSv/year and the calculated average is 11391.92 µSv/year and is relatively high and may cause risks to local populations and other elements that constitute the biote.


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Author Biographies

Domingos Cordeiro

Doutorando do curso de Geologia, na especialidade de Recursos Minerais Sólidos, Universidade Agostinho Neto. Investigador do Instituto Geológico de Angola.


José Manuel Muambongue

Doutor em Ciências Geológicas. Professor Associado da faculdade de Ciências da terra, Universidade Agostinho Neto.

Hector Manuel Fernández Núñez

Doutor em Ciências Técnicas. Professor titular de la Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana – José Antonio Echeverria, CUJAE.   

Pedro Claude Nsungani

Doutor em Geologia. Professor Associado da faculdade de Ciências da terra, Universidade Agostinho Neto. 


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How to Cite

Cordeiro, D., Manuel Muambongue, J., Fernández Núñez, H. M., & Nsungani , P. C. (2023). CONTENT OF THE RADIO ELEMENTS POTASSIUM, URANIUM, THORIUM AND THE EVALUATION OF THE ANNUAL RADIATION DOSE OF CARBONATITE FROM LONGONJO – HUAMBO - SW OF ANGOLA. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(9), e493954.