


Agreements; double taxation; foreign investment.


This research is part of the study related to International Law, with emphasis on the phenomenon of double taxation. Its objective is to address International Double Taxation (IDT) and its impact on Foreign Investment (FI) in Angola. It analyzes and conceptualizes the elements related to the phenomenon under study, as well as evaluating the impact of the agreements to avoid double taxation, initialed by Angola and their importance in the development of economic relations between Angola and the signatory States of the Double Taxation Agreements (DTA). The factors underlying IDT are identified, the effects of agreements to avoid double taxation signed by Angola and the impact on attracting investments, providing an increase in economic relations and foreign direct investment (FDI) .The effects of double taxation can negatively reflect on the attraction of FDI, so this study can contribute to the identification and understanding of the elements that aim to eliminate the phenomenon. It shows how fundamental DTA are in spreading the phenomenon of IDT and their contribution to attracting foreign investment.




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Author Biography

Hermenegildo Ernesto Bernardo, Universidade Ibero-Americana

Mestre em Ciências Económicas e Doutorando em Direito Económico e Empresarial pela UNINI- Universidade Ibero-americana. Docente universitário da Universidade de Luanda, República de Angola.


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How to Cite

Bernardo, H. E. (2024). DOUBLE INTERNATIONAL TAXATION AND THE IMPACT ON FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN ANGOLA. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e514829.