Waste collectors; Reverse logistics; Circular economy; Reverse logistics process; Collection difficulties.Resumo
This study described collectors' main difficulties in collecting discarded materials in Manaus (Brazil). The method used involved analyzing the practice of three collectors willing to provide in-depth data and information obtained through semi-structured interviews carried out in the respondents' workplaces, which were then analyzed with the help of the conceptual bibliographic method and interpreted with the help of semantic analysis. The results showed that a) the main difficulties are extreme physical exertion, people's rejection, unhealthy working conditions, lack of personal protective equipment, and lack of participation by people, companies, and governments; b) difficulties occur due to lack of equipment, lack of technical knowledge of the materials handled, people's lack of knowledge about the importance of the collectors' work and lack of participation by society and governments in the selective collection; c) who could help to minimize these difficulties are the residents, companies, and governments and d) what the agents can do is to structure the collection (government), separate the materials (residents), provide more disposal sites (town hall) and donation of equipment and training (companies). The conclusion shows that agents are not prepared to carry out reverse logistics in the city because they are unaware of the importance of waste pickers' work to start the city's circular economy.
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