



High frequency ventilation, Neonates, Neonatal intensive care unit


Introduction: Premature newborns with respiratory dysfunctions are often submitted to mechanical ventilation, which is essential in the management of these patients, but can induce pulmonary lesions. To reduce this risk, High Frequency Oscillatory Mechanical Ventilation (HFOV) has been used as a safer ventilatory strategy when compared to conventional modes. Method: Integrative review of randomized clinical trials with the main outcome analysis of the effects of HFOV in comparison with conventional ventilatory modes in preterm infants born before 37 weeks. Results: The 23 articles included in this study suggest that HFOV decreases the risk of lung injury and exogenous surfactant use, increases oxygenation area, presents faster improvement of hypoxemia, and reduces the time patients are on mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy. Conclusion: The main limitation lies in the small sample size of most studies, although it is possible to assume that HFOV is a safe and effective mode, which presents favorable results when compared to other ventilatory modes. For a more specific analysis, further studies on the incidence of intracranial hemorrhage and its use in newborns with congenital heart disease would be needed.


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Author Biographies

Camila Moura

Faculdade de Desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Sul  - FADERGS.

Arthur Cherem Netto Fernandes

Faculdade de Desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Sul  - FADERGS.


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How to Cite

Moura, C., & Cherem Netto Fernandes, A. (2023). HIGH-FREQUENCY OSCILLATORY VENTILATION IN PREMATURE NEWBORN. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(11), e4114266. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i11.4266