


Artificial Intelligence. Civil responsability. Civil right. Technology. Legislation.


Digital Law (DD) is an area in constant evolution, which encompasses the fundamental principles and legal institutes in force and applied so far, while incorporating new elements and institutes for the development of legal thought in all its spheres. This study aims to explore the relationship between Civil Law (CD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a focus on civil liability in the AI ​​era. The methodology used was a literature review, analyzing works and publications that address the topic over the last few years. The results of this research indicate that new technologies have presented significant challenges for the legal system, especially with regard to civil liability. The theories of guilt and risk, present in Civil Law, have been applied to address issues related to artificial intelligence. However, the lack of specific legislation and the rapid technological evolution have generated uncertainties and divergent treatments in the courts. The final considerations highlight the need to update the legal system to adequately deal with the impacts of artificial intelligence. The theme's relationship with the 20 years of the Brazilian Civil Code (CC) reinforces the importance of continuous studies and normative adaptations to guarantee the protection of citizens' rights in the face of technological innovations.


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Author Biography

Francisco Alves da Silva

Universidad Europea del Atlántico - UNEATLÂNTICO.


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How to Cite

Alves da Silva, F. (2023). LIABILITY AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: EXPLORING SOLUTIONS AND CHALLENGES OF THE DIGITAL AGE. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(11), e4114434.