



VoIP, COVID-19, Telehealth, Pandemic, Health education, Telemedicine


Worldwide, guidelines have been developed that indicate the adoption of measures, which can guide and assist the population in times of pandemic. In this sense, several cities have incorporated the practice of health call centers with qualified specialists to provide correct information about the disease, creating remote channels to make calls such as telephones, video calls and applications that do not require the crowding of people at health units. The objective of the work was to describe the “Orienta+COVID” call center service installed in the Xingu-PA region, Brazil. The study was carried out in the Xingu region, Pará, Brazil. The reports of the attendants participating in the project were collected and the attendance registration report, which took place from May 25th to June 30th, 2020, was analyzed. A total of 1210 visits were made in the period analyzed through 60 attendants who took turns on duty. During tele orientation, health professionals collected patient data, their complaints and doubts to determine, through the classification of symptoms, what would be the guidelines to be passed. The call center performed by health professionals during the project was essential to answer patients' doubts as well as being able to better guide them on how to proceed in suspected or confirmed cases of the new coronavirus and thus contribute to reducing the demand for urgent and emergency services.


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Como Citar

ORIENTA + COVID" CALL CENTER SERVICE IN THE XINGU-PA REGION. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210835. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v2i10.835