Opinion poll on the quality of RECIMA21
The editors of RECIMA21, thinking of improving the quality of the services provided, created CPAC – Own Scientific Evaluation Commission, this committee will be responsible for Corporate Governance, as well as the quality of the website and the services provided. The members of the editorial board of the journal are part of this committee. We are partially disclosing the results of our first opinion survey we conducted with our writers, readers and registrations in general of RECIMA21 in May 2021.
The concept perceived by them about all aspects of the journal was 94% between excellent and good. Those who would refer the magazine to others totaled 98%, almost unanimously. Following this line of excellence, 96% believe that nothing is missing in the journal and 60% consider the ideal time of submission until publication of 30 to 40 days. It follows detailed result.
What concept would you give to RECIMA21, considering all the main aspects of the magazine?
66% excellent
28% good
6% regular
Would you refer to RECIMA21 to someone?
98% Yes
Do you think there's a lack of information on the magazine page?
96% There's nothing missing
How long does it take (in days) that you think the article should be published? From submission to publication?
30 days 40%
40 days 20%
20 days 15%
15 days 15%
10 days 10%
We will continue to work to improve the quality of our journal and thank the 145 participants for their contribution.