climatic regimes, relative humidity, air temperature, water balance.Abstract
The knowledge of the climatic characteristics of the watershed, especially the temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall, relative humidity and the maximum, minimum and average air, which should provide important insights to the management of water resources and agriculture temperatures. The uneven distribution of rainfall indicates instability in the entry of water in the hydrological system, exerting control over water availability in time and space, the relative humidity influence on animal and plant behaviors and quantity of water available in the atmosphere. Already the temperature influences the rates of evapotranspiration, indicating energy availability environment and, consequently, environmental water demand. The study characterizes the river basin Uruçuí Preto (BHRUP), as the rainfall, relative humidity, temperature, water balance and climatic regimes. Graphic behavior of annual and seasonal rainfall regimes for 25 stations distributed within and around the basin were developed, most of them in operation since the 1960s, followed by isohyets drawn letters of the medium and the wettest period, relative humidity air, isotherms of maximum, minimum and average temperatures, and the letters of potential evapotranspiration, actual evaporation and drought. The climatic types were appreciated due to the influence of the usual behavior of the atmosphere in the real potential environmental and water demand and also the anthropogenic demand. The climate system Thornthwaite (1948.1953), based on the comparison between potential evapotranspiration and rainfall was used.
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