



Hypnosis has been increasingly


Hypnosis has been increasingly indicated as an adjuvant for pain treatment, as it can have an analgesic effect and improve quality of life, especially when it comes to patients with chronic pain. The aim of the study was to compare the improvement in the quality of life of patients with chronic pain using hypnotherapy in relation to analgesic drug treatment. From the Controlled Health Descriptors in English "Chronic Pain", "Hypnosis", "Analgesia" and "Quality of Life" a search was performed following the PRISMA system in the following databases: National Library of Medicine, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, Portal of Periodicals of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Portal Capes), EBSCO HOST and Virtual Health Library. The GRADE system was used to assess the level of evidence of the selected articles, all five being classified as having a moderate level of evidence. In view of the positive results of hypnosis to decrease pain in patients with chronic pain, it is concluded that hypnotherapy, compared to drug analgesic treatment, is effective in terms of improving the quality of life of patients, in addition to a decrease the levels of anxiety and depression of the groups evaluated, however, the number of publications on the topic in question is still scarce, with the need to expand studies and raise the level of evidence in research.



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Author Biographies

  • Aline Leite Barros Leite Barros, Centro Universitário de Patos - UNIFIP

    Aline Leite Barros, estudante de Medicina do 7º período do Centro Universitário de Patos.

  • Andreza Viana Monteiro Viana Monteiro, Centro Universitário de Patos - UNIFIP

    Andreza Viana Monteiro, estudante de Medicina do 7º período do Centro Universitário de Patos.

  • Fabrício Tiburtino Lacerda de Araújo Fonseca Tiburtino Lacerda Araújo Fonseca

    Fabrício Tiburtino Lacerda de Araújo Fonseca, estudante de Medicina do 7º período do Centro Universitário de Patos.

  • Jysllayny Gomes Ferreira Gomes Ferreira, Centro Universitário de Patos - UNIFIP

    Jysllayny Gomes Ferreira, estudante de Medicina do 7º período do Centro Universitário de Patos.

  • Victor Henrique Medeiros Loureiro Henrique Medeiros Loureiro

    Victor Henrique Medeiros Loureiro, estudante de Medicina do 7º período do Centro Universitário de Patos.

  • Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa Nunes Alves de Sousa, Centro Universitário de Patos - UNIFIP

    Milena Nunes Alves da Silva, Pró-reitora de Pós-Graduação, Pesquisa e Extensão no Centro Universitário de Patos.


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How to Cite

HYPNOTHERAPY AS AN ANALGESIC TREATMENT: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e311084. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v3i1.1084