Clockwork Orange, Microphysics of Power, Discursive Practices, PsychopathyAbstract
The following review is a critical analysis of Stanley Kubrick's film “A Clockwork Orange, produced in 1971, based on Anthony Burgess' 1962 hormone book. categories for the analysis of discursive practices and the ontology of power present in two texts by Michel Foucault: The Order of Discourse and the History of Systems of Thought, which is a summary of the courses given by Foucault at the Collège de France when this one assumes the chair that belonged to Jean Hyppolite. Thus, it was observed in the film, the action of knowledge practices (which in themselves imply a will to truth, that is, its presentification – aletheia) that are produced and reproduced through the scientific discourses that support the criminal action, mainly from the 19th century. Criminal action seeks to "correct" criminal behavior, bringing it to what scientific discursive practices understand as normality, above all, based on medicine, psychiatry, anthropology, sociology, psychoanalysis and pedagogy, which are the their spokespersons.
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