
  • Luender Augusto de Jesus Batista



Exemption; Taxes; Seniors; Physical Disability; Taxation.


In a society seeking social development, a discussion of factors influencing the social and economic evolution of individuals will inevitably take into account the influence of the body on a person. The notorious scientific fact that older people and people with physical disabilities has no average capacity to produce economically on parity with unchanged adults and this generates an economic disparity and social vulnerability of older and physically disabled people. Although the state is not allowed to act by promoting inequality, it can act unequally to promote equality. This thought is expressed by the brocade: treat the same and unequally the unequal in so far as they are unequal. There are several ways in which either the Brazilian state can use to reduce the inequality and vulnerability of these groups, helping to integrate this society in parity with other people. This tool has the advantage that the elderly and the disabled remain economic and independent members of society, breaking with a prejudiced view that these items depend on aid.





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Author Biography

  • Luender Augusto de Jesus Batista

    Mestrando em Direito e Negócios Internacional pela Universidad Europea del Atlántico



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How to Cite

TAX EXEMPTION FOR THE ELDERLY AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (PCD). (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e311114.