Automation. Cucumber. TestAbstract
This article presents a study through the creation of automation test scenarios performed with the Cucumber tool. A qualitative-quantitative descriptive methodology was adopted and the starting point was a bibliographic reference. In which it was carried out with the help of books, articles, master's and doctoral theses and with the help of the internet. Data collection was based on research in databases such as SCIELO (A Scientific Electronic Library Online), Online Journals: CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) USP (University of São Paulo) FGV, (Fundación Getúlio Vargas). Then, the automation project was detailed in detail, with the tools and technologies used such as Cucumber Utils.java’ and JUnit in order to understand the functionality of the tests. Cucumber's projects were carried out in a common, clear and objective language. Where it was possible for communication to take place, test automation offers a layer of realness over the test and that test development can be evaluated, the process of reducing the time a test analyst undertakes on a task compared to the process manual.
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