Environmental Management, Environmental Auditing, Environmental PoliciesAbstract
This article sought an overview of theories of needs and discussed them in the context of consumerism, consumption and business opportunities. This study examines the development of Abraham H. Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs (including updates to the levels of his Pyramid), studying authors and their views on the topic, with the intention of better identifying consumer needs. Authors provide an overview of the theories of needs seeded through motivational theory, also with the aim of discovering the differences and being needs (sometimes known as growth needs) then linking them to business strategies, a better understanding of the consumer and best exploitation on the market. The methodology used in this article was exploratory qualitative academic research. A bibliographic research was carried out in primary sources, aiming at collecting data in appropriate and targeted publications from different authors, theorizing on the same subject. Seeking to substantiate the hypotheses. It was noticed in the accomplishment of the research and in the readings for the execution of the article, that although the needs have a different degree of importance of the structure by Maslow, in the 50's, that the man has vital needs and according to his family experience, his social groups, life stage, can set different priorities. With the accomplishment of this research, it was possible to better understand the consumer decision-making process, allowing marketers to develop more efficient and effective strategies to help consumers in the process to a resolution that is mutually beneficial.
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