


Life, Astrobiology, Philosophy


For a long time “What is Life?” it was not a question of a scientific nature and the reasons for this were the most diverse. In general, scientists believed that there was no need to conceptualize life for the development of their empirical research, considering the recognition of quality or qualitative aspects as something unscientific. In addition, there is another historical reason, this much more striking, which would be related to the very difficulty of achieving a universal concept of life. In general, the process of understanding an object is understood, as the formulation of a definition for it. This definition process emerges from a complex structural relationship between the set of words and their relationship with their meanings and signifiers, which arise from the moment when the possibilities of relationships between them and the epistemic are known. Among the different conceptions and attempts to conceptualize Life, it is possible to highlight the Reductionist with its character, as much as mechanistic and with an approach called bottom-up, while the Holistic or Systemic with a top-down view. Although the term Life does not have a definition expressed in a sentence in an elegant, general, coherent and comprehensive way, such as Einstein's description of Relativity. In the future with a greater understanding of Nature and the very conditions of the Universe, perhaps it will be possible to have an epistemic perspective more consistent with the meaning and knowledge about “What is Life?”.


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Author Biography

  • Bruno Nascimento-Dias, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

    Fez Licenciatura em Física pela FTESM com graduação sanduíche em Bachelor of Science na Monash University em Melbourne na Austrália. Mestrado em Física pela UERJ e  Doutorado em Física pela UFJF com ênfase em Astrobiologia


    Trabalha com meteoritos marcianos e reconstrução paleoambiental de Marte. Sócio efetivo da Sociedade Brasileira de Astrobiologia e da Sociedade Brasileira de Física. Tem experiência com Astrobiologia, Meteoritos e Técnicas analíticas. Suas linhas de interesse são: estudos sobre Marte, microrganismos extremófilos, Astrobotânica, Astrotoxicologia, Biomedicina Espacial, Neurolinguística, Exoplanetas, mineralogia de rochas extraterrestres, robótica aplicada ao ensino. Além disso, desenvolve trabalho na área de ensino e divulgação de Ciências. Atualmente é revisor de revistas internacionais X-Ray Spectrometry, Journal of Raman Spectrometry e revistas nacionais como Revista Brasileira de Física Tecnológica Aplicada.



How to Cite

PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF BIOLOGY: WHAT IS LIFE?. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(2), 168-180.