Elderly, Medicines, Pharmaceutical CareAbstract
Problems related to medications (MRP) emerge as one of the main concerns regarding polymedication in the elderly, exposing them to the appearance of negative results associated with medications (NMR). The pharmacotherapeutic follow-up stands out as an important care tool in the detection and resolution of these MRPs. Objective: Discuss the main problems and results related to medications identified in the studies with elderly. Method: This is an integrative descriptive qualitative review, with selection of scientific articles available in the online databases Pubmed, MedLine, SciELO and Virtual Health Library. Original articles published in Portuguese, English and Spanish that demonstrated relationship with the proposed theme, in the period from 2015 to 2020. Duplicate articles in the databases, as well as editorial theses and dissertations were excluded. Results: Eight articles were selected in this review, most of them of international origin and observational type. In the analysis of positive MRPs in the studies, there was a predominance of females and the mean age of the population was 80 years. Hospitals (25%) and nursing homes (25%) were the most studied scenarios. The safety PRM / MRI was the most frequent. The most frequently observed pharmaceutical interventions were indication for drug discontinuation, dose adjustment, medication change and patient education. Conclusion: The number of problems and negative results to elderly medications is high and pharmaceutical medications present positive results in pharmacotherapy and quality of life for the elderly.
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