Civil landmark of the internet, Cybercrime, Digital LawAbstract
Over the past few years, the spheres and circumstances that make some fundamental rights especially vulnerable have changed. The digital age has uncovered a scenario where the rights to intimacy and privacy as well as the protection of personal data are seriously threatened. Given the above, the research aimed to analyze the digital law in Brazil and its legislative frameworks. The specific objectives of this work were: to discuss Digital Law and its origin; address the characteristics of cybercrime citing the case of the USA, address the peculiarities and milestones of digital law in Brazil. The methodology applied in this study was bibliographic research. Through the investigated authors, it was possible to achieve the objectives outlined in the work. It was concluded that the changes demand that the Law and its gamifications are constantly updated, to meet the legal and social requirements. Faced with behavioral changes and the prevailing socioeconomic pattern, Digital Law has embraced substantial theoretical subsidies since the beginning of the 1990s, when the first studies on the subject emerged in Brazil, where the academic cradle mostly relates the Right to new technologies. In a gradually digital world, everything points to, in which the virtual environment has experienced an expansion of real life, through the exchange of data, banking transactions, consumer relations and social interaction, the debate on Digital Law embraces digital transformations.
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