Linear systems, Conics, Two-Dimensional AnalysisAbstract
In this study will be presented some applications of Linear Systems, Conicand Two-dimensional Analysis performed with the tools Minitab and Geogebra, taught during the classes of engineering courses. The applied methodology is a tool to solve the problems of the exact sciences. The objective was to show how the tools can contribute to the teaching of mathematics and statistics so that these resources can arouse the interest and curiosity of the students, motivating them to be builders of their own knowledge, for this, theoretical situations practiced with the use of software that provided the opportunity to investigate problems involving the exact disciplines were presented. The results obtained in the graphs presented during this study allowed us to analyze mathematical and statistical problems providing clear and accurate solutions. It was concluded that the methodology under study is adequate in the resolution of statistical applications, opportunistic to students the comprehension and interpretation of graphs.
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