



adequate level of jumpability in basketball


An adequate level of jumpability in basketball players represents a fundamental skill to perform motor actions that involve attack and defense in a game. Therefore, the objective of this research is to verify the effects of plyometric training on the height of the vertical jump in basketball players. Five scientific databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, LILACS, Scielo and MEDLINE) were consulted, being eligible a total of 58 published articles on plyometrics as a training method to develop lower limb muscle power and 08 textbooks on sport training theory. Plyometrics is a strength training methodology that aims to improve explosive power. A properly conducted plyometric work for the lower limbs can induce the improvement of the height of flight in the vertical jump. The variables managed in a plyometric program are: program duration, weekly frequency,

number of exercises, number of sets, number of repetitions, recuperative interval between sets, recuperative interval between repetitions, type of training surface and, form of load progression. However, studies that discuss plyometrics in basketball use different experimental designs and different competitive categories, making comparisons between them difficult. In a general analysis, the average height gain obtained in the studies is 9.9% (Δ%=1.0% to 21.6% in 90.4% of the cases examined). Also, there were two investigations with negative results (-0.3% and -4.8%). Finally, some specific recommendations are pointed out for the preparation of plyometric training aiming at the maintenance and/or gain in the height of the vertical jump. 


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Author Biography

  • Adriano Vretaros

    Adriano Vretaros ¹

    ¹ Strength and Conditioning Coach  

    ¹ Postgraduate in Physiological and Methodological Bases of Sports Training from the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP - São Paulo - Brazil 




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How to Cite

EFFECTS OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING ON VERTICAL JUMP HEIGHT IN BASKETBALL PLAYERS. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(5), e351433. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v3i5.1433