practice in the formation of students in the early yearsAbstract
In the current context of Elementary School Education, the concern with the development and practice of reading and writing is still a theme that generates debates and apprehensions. It is known that, at this level of education, students should be able and read and write. In this sense, the teachers of the early years of elementary school appear as key figures in encouraging reading, selecting texts to be presented to their students. The teacher must present a selection of texts and literary productions, in view of the students' capacity and interpretative interests. It is necessary to establish that any work is properly formed through the intertwining of linguistic and aesthetic analyses and verifications. The objective of this work was to analyze the importance of theory and practice in the formation of students in the early years of elementary school. The methodology of this study had a bibliographical research through consultations in articles, books and master's dissertations. It was also configured in a qualitative approach. The results pointed out that reading is seen as a process of meaning production that occurs from social interactions or the dialogue that occurs between reader/text/author. Thus, there is no text without the presence of the reader. It is the reader who gives voice and life to the text. It is at the intersection of voices that the meanings of the text are forming. It is important to realize that every text dialogues with the culture of its time and with the reading of the world.
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