population, nature, culture, being, religion.Abstract
The research was developed in Mozambique, particularly in the northern zone in the province of Nampula, and has as objectives to Analyze the implications of religion in the culture of the population; Identify the causes that may dictate the preservation of culture in the community; Describe the implications of the relationship between religion and culture; Propose strategies that view the appreciation of religion and culture in order to preserve the identity of communities. The interest in this research results from the fact of having experienced some aspects related to culture and religion in schools. With regard to the methodologies, it is important to mention that the research has a qualitative approach, as to the objectives, the research was descriptive and the procedures were a field study. For the production of this study, we used the interview and the questionnaire as instruments for data collection. The study involved a universe of sixty people (60) consisting of students, teachers, parents in charge of education and community leaders
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