Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Social Media, Body dissatisfactionAbstract
The term “dysmorphophobia”, used for the first time in 1886 by Enrico Morselli, was integrated into the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and became known as: Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). This disorder, which affects mostly young people, has by definition excessive concern with body aesthetics. Therefore, this study aims to discuss BDD and the influences of social media on body image and its disorders. An explanatory narrative review study was chosen from a qualitative approach, and articles in English and Spanish were used, between the years 2017 and 2021, present in the Pubmed and Bireme databases. From the results found, an analysis and discussion was carried out through four topics, they are: Body dysmorphism associated with other disorders, family influence, influence of the media and social networks and factors related to sex. With this, it was possible to observe the existence of obstacles for a correct diagnosis of BDD and the importance of performing a complete and effective anamnesis.
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