book was born from the commitment to makeAbstract
This book was born from the commitment to make the Creative Economy a more debated subject, especially as a way to help transform situations of poverty and underdevelopment. We are walkers, teachers and students, of this trajectory of seeking improvement in the living conditions of people, especially the most vulnerable, in my understanding greater objective of the economy. In the material presented here, the chapters are independent, but are based on the search for alternatives that generate greater growth of creative and cultural activities, in order to support regional studies, although this is not the exclusive cutout of the book. Thus, each theme addressed demands continuous reflections, since they do not exhaust the aspects involved in each research object. It is worth mentioning that these chapters bring efforts of graduates and graduates of the Economic Sciences course of the Federal University of Pernambuco - Diogo Milhomens, Tuany Carolayne da Silva Cruz, Pedro Henrique Felix Amorim Ramos, Letícia Fisher Magalhães de Moura Beltrão and João Victor M.M. Nunes - where together we formulate questions and think above all about the reality that surrounds us today – and therefore, in the face of so many uncertainties and unconsolidated data, we have raised several questions for future research.
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