


following work deals with a quantitative research


The present work is the result of a quantitative research that aimed to analyze, through a questionnaire, the impact and influence of psychoanalysis in psychology undergraduates. The methodology used was a quantitative analysis of a questionnaire provided by The Google Form and which had as participants psychology students in universities located in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. The survey was conducted between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 and had 108 people as total informants. At the end of the research, it was found that psychoanalysis influences significantly in the personal and academic life of undergraduate students in psychology. Finally, it is worth noting that the present research result can show that the university has an important role in the transmission of psychoanalysis in the university and even more so in society.


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Author Biographies

  • Lucas Monteiro Silva

    Graduando em psicologia pela (UNESA)

  • Luna Borel Vitola de Medeiros

    Graduada em Gestão de RH e Graduanda em Psicologia pela (UNESA)

  • Tadeu Oliveira de Aguiar

    Psicanalista. Pós-graduando em gerontologia e saúde mental pela (FAVENI), graduado em Gerontologia pela (UNINTER), e graduando de psicologia pela (UNESA)

  • Rolando Alberto Vacadias Siles

    Graduando em psicologia pela (UNESA)

  • Rosane de Albuquerque Costa

    Mestre em psicologia e especialista em psicanálise


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How to Cite

IMPACT OF PSYCHOANALYSIS ON UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(7), e371658.