
  • Manoel Mendes Fernandes



Police Prison, Military Police, Paraná


This scientific article presents the contextualization of the theme military police prison of the State of Paraná, a prison institution, currently nonexistent in the said State of the Federation. This scientific work portrays the theoretical discussion about the possibility of the creation and implementation of military police prison in the State of Paraná, as well as the resocialization, rehabilitation and reintegration of the state military criminally convicted of living in society. The general objective of this achievement is to analyze the relevance of the creation of a state military police prison, a specialized institution for the execution of custodial sentences by the state military convicted in criminal proceedings. The article uses deductive methodology, demonstrates aspects of training, training and specialization of the state military, analyzes the current system of execution of the state military, shows the functioning and aspects of the military police prison of the State of São Paulo, called Romão Gomes. By consectarian, the scientific article concludes the pertinence of the creation of military police prison in the State of Paraná, azo to the specificity, mission, values and principles of the military police institution and the state military itself, as well as the protection of society.


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Author Biography

  • Manoel Mendes Fernandes

    Polícia Militar do Paraná


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How to Cite

MILITARY POLICE PRISON OF THE STATE OF PARANÁ. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(7), e371684.