Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetic neuropathy. Technology.Abstract
Among the severe microvascular complications of Diabetes, one can highlight the foot at neuropathic risk that causes loss of sensitivity, deformities and superficial traumas that can lead to infections, ulcers and/or destruction of deep tissues. The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific evidence of the development of educational technologies for the management of neuropathic diabetic foot. This is an integrative review, carried out from May to July 2021, through search in the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, WOS and SCiELO. Evidence published between 2016 and July 2021 were adopted as inclusion criteria, whose objective was the application of educational technologies aimed at neuropathic diabetic foot. The sample totaled 75 articles, after finishing all stages of the analysis process, 8 articles were included in this review. The result was presented through a table containing the main characteristics of the eligible articles. It was possible to identify, among the educational strategies developed, the presence of the serial album, virtual object of learning, manual, application, technology with mixed methodology and AVA. Through this study, this study reinforces the relevance of this theme and the growing interest among health scholars about the management of health care and reduction of complications resulting from Diabetes Mellitus.
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