article aims to make a comprehensive analysis of the failures detectedAbstract
This article aims to make a comprehensive analysis of the failures detected in the Accounts of Results and their framework in the structure of the General Accounting Plan in Angola (PGCA), based on a case study of the Plafar Group. The focus was given to the appropriate use in the Balance Sheet that mirrors the Result carried forward and this in class 8 the capital account and reserves, was based on the following points: identify the weaknesses existing in the Angolan Accounting System, Make its comparison with the foreign systems and propose the model of the codification of the Profit Account to be included in the Balance Sheet, based on international accounting standards. At the end of the research, it was found that, contrary to what happens in the General Accounting Plan of Angola, in the foreign accounts plans the classes of revenues belong to class 7 and costs to classes 6. The research revealed the lack of harmonisation of accounts relating to biological assets and the class relating to analytical accounting. The innovation that brings in pgca our work is the proposal of the introduction of the code "59" Result Account that will belong to class 5 where the class of Capital and Reserves and not "81".
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