


Oral rehabilitation, Edentulism, Dental Prosthesis


Partial edentulism affects many people in Brazilian and, unfortunately, this condition has many consequences for the patient's health, and prosthetic treatment is a great solution for these cases. This study consists of reporting about the importance in the individual's quality of life when using removable partial dentures for oral rehabilitation, restoring aesthetics, health and function. Female patient, 44 years old, caucasian, born and resident at Caxias do Sul-RS, sought dental care with an aesthetic complaint due to the absence of some dental elements. After physical, clinical and imaging examination, planning was carried out. Subsequently, the patient received adequate prosthetic rehabilitation and follow-up, with the use of a removable partial denture. The treatment with the use of removable partial dentures was essential to reestablish the desired requirements of aesthetics, health and function, returning quality of life to the patient.


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Author Biographies

  • Aline Girotto

    Graduanda do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS.

  • Alexandre Conde

    Doutor em Materiais Dentários - Professor do Curso de Graduação em Odontoligia - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS.

  • Lucas Bozzetti Pigozzi

    Mestre em Prótese Dentária - Professor do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS.

  • Mariá Cortina Bellan

    Doutora em Dentística Restauradora - Mestre em Materiais Dentários - Professora do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS.

  • Marília Paulus

    Doutora em Materiais Dentários - Professora do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia - FSG Centro Universitário - Caxias do Sul/RS.


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How to Cite

THE USE OF REMOVABLE PARTIAL DENTURE IN ORAL REHABILITATION. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(8), e381805.