
  • Adriana Milanez Suzigan



Contemporary Art; Baroque Art; Make artistic.


ABSTRACT- This Course Conclusion Work was developed based on the art of Adriana Varejão, a contemporary artist of great prominence in national and international art. Its recognition comes from its beginnings, for its focus on the Baroque Art of Colonial Brazil and the Catholic catechization by the Portuguese Jesuits. With great social criticism, denouncing racism and social prejudices, Adriana Varejão has several phases in her artistic work, in three different series. Studied in field research with students of the 5th year of Elementary School I: Portuguese tiles and the “Milagre dos Peixes”. In the 9th grade of Elementary II, the artistic production “Celacanth Provoca Maremoto” was worked on and in the second grade, 1st and 3rd years of High School, together with a phased debate: “Meat and Seas”. With good student participation and positive results in achieving the objective of spreading racial tolerance and respect among people, regardless of color, race, creed or sexual orientation, ensuring diversity, their individuality and cultural identity.


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Author Biography

  • Adriana Milanez Suzigan



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How to Cite

CONTEMPORARY ART IN PORTUGUESE HERITAGE. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e381811.