Mothers;, Maternity;, Work;, Systematic review;Abstract
Maternity and work are central spheres in the lives of most women, especially when considering women's entry into the labor market. Objective: Analyze the effects of maternity on the worker. Method: The PRISMA recommendations were adopted and registered in Prospero. The data bases consulted were Scopus, Web of Science, SciELO, Lilacs e PsycInfo. Available empirical articles were sought between 2011 and 2020 with a descriptive of mothers, maternity, and work, in Portuguese and in English. The data analysis was conducted with the tool Start, adopting the categorical thematic content analysis. Results: The 14 articles analyzed addressed the effects of maternity: i) in the professional expectative, ii) in the work and family demands, iii) in the feeling felt at work.
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