The insertion of physical activities in the dailyAbstract
ABSTRACT: The insertion of physical activities in the daily life of the elderly population has shown to be an effective strategy, improving balance and reducing the risk of falls. Among the various possibilities of physical activity, the Pilates method is a popular modality in recent times, because it is based on an exercise system that allows working the whole body, correcting posture, realigning the musculature and developing the necessary body stability. Objective: To verify the current evidence on the effects of the practice of the Pilates method on soil and accessories in the elderly, on improving balance and reducing the risk of falls. Method: Systematic review of the literature, performed in the electronic databases Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs/Bireme, Pedro and Cochrane. The descriptors MeSH (Medical Subject Heading Terms) and Boleyn and operators for the Pubmed and Cochrane databases were initially used, and were later adequate for the other bases. Result: After a complete search, only 2 studies were included, with a total sample of 118 individuals, of both sexes, with a minimum age of 60 years. The intervention period was 12 weeks of exercises of the Solo Pilates method with accessories with weekly frequency of 2 to 3x/week. Positive results were identified for balance for the group submitted to the Pilates method compared to the control. No significant results were shown for the risk of falls. Conclusion: The results found in this review demonstrate that the use of the Pilates Method in Soil and accessories is plausible when the objective.
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