Medical Oncology, Psycho-oncology, COVID-19, Mental HealthAbstract
Introduction: The high mortality rates due to cancer have made this disease a public health problem. When the diagnosis of cancer is associated with the COVID-19 virus, the risk of developing critical cases of infection increases dramatically, which also causes psychic symptoms, since patients associate their finitude with the process of becoming ill Objective: This study aims to identify the fear of death and dying in cancer patients in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Qualitative research, with 15 patients admitted to an oncology ward of a general hospital. A sociodemographic questionnaire and semistructured interview with open questions were used as instrument. Results: They were grouped into three categories: "finitude and spirituality", "psychological impact of COVID-19" and "family support facing finitude", which emerged from the similarity in the information obtained and it was identified greater correlation of the fear of death and dying with the diagnosis of cancer than with the possible contagion by COVID-19, as well as, it was observed the use of spirituality and family support as coping strategies most commonly used. Conclusion: Cancer patients associate their psychological symptoms and finitude with the cancer diagnosis itself, despite COVID-19 aggravating the clinical condition of these patients.
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